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Shakti Gawain's book Creative Visualisation was one of the first books I read on the subject of the law of attraction and visualisation.
We are creators and we all use visualisation in one way or another. Whether you are conscious of this process or not doesn't matter. In fact, most people are unconsciously creating their lives through deep seated negative concepts about what they believe about life and themselves.
Holding a negative view of life, for example, will create negative outcomes. Holding a negative view of yourself too has a similar effect. Lack, limitation and scarcity are some of the main things people hold dearly in their minds. Because of this, they build lives around these limiting beliefs.
Creative visualisation is therefore the concept of becoming more conscious of what you give your attention to. By imagining life as you would like it to be, without limitations of scarcity and lack, you can more consciously move towards this life as a reality.
Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF
"If you learn to relax deeply and do creative visualisation, you may be able to make far more effective changes in your life than you would by thinking, worrying, planning and trying to manipulate things and people" – Shakti Gawain Creative Visualisation.

Most people are creatively visualising things which they don't want. They imagine an argument with their boss, a confrontation or some unpleasant circumstance. This event materialises and they say "Of course, I knew this would happen". The event is used to prove a negative belief about yourself or life: "Life is unfair", "Nothing ever good happens to me", "I always struggle" and so on.
This helps people build a strong self image which further goes towards creating more of the same. The payoff is a consistent world view. But the downside is that nothin much changes and you push the good away from you.
Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF – Daydreaming
Creative visualisation isn't something you're not already doing. Often when in the car, I'll drift into a hazy day dream and think about something from the past, or in the future. When I get to where I was going, I had missed the journey. It happened on autopilot and the whole time was spent in a daydream.
This is what you need to harness if you want to create more of the 'good' stuff in life by using creative visualisation.
Alpha and Beta
It's important to relax when doing creative visualisation. When you relax, your brain waves slow down into alpha level. Your conscious waking state is called beta level. In alpha state, your mind and body are much more relaxed than when in the beta state. Getting into alpha state has been shown to have beneficial effects on the mind and body. So as a side benefit, this state will improve your health.
To get into an alpha state, you can sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing. Notice your in breath and out breath and start taking longer, deeper breaths. As your breathing slows down, this can help quieten the mind and even slow down your heart rate too. This is the state of mind you need to be in to start using creative visualisation effectively.
You'll often drift into this state naturally when you're doing other things. Like I said, I often daydream when I'm driving or performing some menial task which doesn't require much thought.
How To Use Visualisation
Once you're in a nice, relaxed mental state, you can imagine something you'd like to attract into your life. This could be a new situation or circumstance which you want to create. Imagine being the person you want to be, living the life you really desire.
As you do this, you'll probably notice some mental resistance to the ideas which you truly desire. Notice these blockages which is "you" holding yourself back from the things you desire.

It's good to have a focus for your visualisation which is something you want to manifest into your life. Start with something small which is believable for you. If you start with a goal which is too big, you're likely to lose confidence in what you're doing and give up too easily. Start with small goals and work upwards.
Remember that visualising your dreams and goals in life should be an enjoyable process. If you find you're not enjoying it, you are probably trying too hard. Notice the times when you're having daydreams and fantasies which are enjoyable. This is the state you want to replicate when doing more conscious visualisations about things.
Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF – More From Shakti

To download Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualisation click here. See more from Shakti Gawain here.
Source: http://thelawofattractionsceptic.com/creative-visualisation-shakti-gawain-pdf/
Posted by: wallywallyescoeeer10264873.blogspot.com
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