Reviews the book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner (1983). This is a delightful and entertaining book. Educated lay readers will thoroughly enjoy it and carry away with them many interesting and amusing anecdotes about human functioning and the vagaries of the human mental apparatus. Psychologists of all persuasions will find much to savor, reflect on, and disagree with. The book is primarily an opinion piece, a collection of anecdotes and reports on a large number of interesting scientific projects currently under way in a variety of psychological laboratories. This book does not, a s a number of advanced commentators suggest on the book jacket, put to rest the concept of IQ. However, unlike most books written on the subject, it is a very useful and stimulating contribution to the intelligence controversy. I recommend it enthusiastically. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)
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... Schon kurz nach Erscheinen des ersten Buchs zu den «MI» meldeten sich Kritiker zu Wort (z. B. Bouchard, 1984; Brody, 1992, S. 34–40; Messick 1992; Scarr, 1985; Snow, 1985). Seitdem wurden – aus variierenden Perspektiven – vielfältige Einwände zur «MI»-Theorie vorgebracht (z. ...
Howard Gardner's "Multiple Intelligences" ("MI") are very popular, especially among teachers and professional educators. Gardner repeatedly claims that his "MI" have a sound theoretical basis and are independent from each other as well as from the general intelligence g. Furthermore, he claims that the "MI"-theory has a higher impact than the classical conception of intelligence (IQ) for educational and predictive purposes. The evidence collapses, however, upon close examination. The critique emphasizes the following points: The "MI"-theory provides few new insights and is based on selective criteria. The "MI" correlate substantially with each other and with g, thus contradicting the prediction based on the theoretical speculations. Gardners assertions are based on a biased review of research findings, and his theory rests on anecdotic evidences and not on sound empirical research. Further critical points center on the concept's premature educational popularisation, on insufficient assessment procedures, on unevaluated practice, and on lack of empirical validation.
... To velja zlasti za emocionalno inteligentnost (Bar-On, 1997; Bar-On in Parker, 2001; Goleman, 1995; Salovey in Mayer, 1990), moralno inteligentnost (Coles, 1997Coles, , 1999 Hass, 1998), eksistencialno inteligentnost (Gardner, 1999), duhovno inteligentnost (Buzan, 2001; Gardner, 1999; Zohar in Marshall, 2000) in sorodne konstrukte, ki se pojavljajo bodisi v ožjih teoretskih modelih, nekateri med njimi pa se pojavljajo tudi v širših modelih multiple inteligentnosti (Gardner, , 1999 Buzan in Keene, 1997). Takšno širjenje koncepta inteligentnosti je naletelo na veliko kritik (Bouchard, 1984; Brody, 1992; Carroll, 1993 Carroll, , 1997 Eysenck, 1994; Fodor, 1983 Fodor, , 1985 Gardner, 1993 Gardner, , 1998 Guskin, Peng in Simon, 1992; Klein, 1997 Klein, , 1998 Kline, 1991; Matthews, 1988; Morgan, 1992; Peterson, 1997; Richardson, 1991; Scarr, 1985; Smerechansky-Metzger, 1995; Smolucha, 1993; Sternberg, 1983 Sternberg, , 1988 Sternberg, , 1991). Med navedenimi področji »inteligentnosti« pogosto ni nobene korelacije (Carroll, 1993Carroll, , 1997 Jensen, 1998 Jensen, , 1999) in za nekatera med njimi lahko upravičeno dvomimo, ali sploh predstavljajo sposobnosti (Jensen, 1998Jensen, , 1999). ...
Dieses Kapitel erläutert die psychologischen und forschungsmethodischen Grundlagen des Marburger Hochbegabtenprojekts sowie seine Fragestellungen -------------------- [This chapter describes and discusses the fundamentals, research questions, and methodological features of the Marburg Giftedness Study]
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